Thursday, November 13, 2014

Where are the cows?

Good Morning Friends!!  Thankfully HIS Thursday!   Kim has been trying to buy about 10 more cows to finish out his herd for several months.  Gosh, prices are so high and they are really hard to find too.  So, last week when he heard about a special sale in McAllister on Saturday we couldn’t help but get a little excited.  We knew that it was mostly a bull sale, but there were supposed to be some cows/heifers also, so yep we were anxious.  We got up real early Saturday morning and got all our chores done so we could leave around 10.  I stoked the fire to last all day because we didn’t think we would be home till late and left the pumpkin/turkey lights on too…..I was packed and ready for a day at the sale barn (I just love those sale barn burgers) and excited that Kim might finally get his cows (he has been driving me a bit crazy)!  It was a beautiful morning, the drive was gorgeous,  trees flaunting their phenomenal fall colors, the warm sun dancing happily through the fluffy clouds and the company… favorite sweetie what a great day!  We arrived early, pulled on our jackets and headed to the lots to get a sneak preview of what we had hoped to bid on.  We could tell as soon as we stepped in that there wasn’t an abundance of animals.  We walked up and down every row….one after another……bull after bull….where are the cows!!!  We finally found two or three pens of heifers…registered at that…but that was it!  Wow!  What a let- down….dang, we had worked ourselves into a state of anxious anticipation and now nothing….With our bubbles burst and our heads hanging we headed to the car….no need to hang around there!  Now what??!!!  Poor Kim, once again he faced the disappointment of not completing his herd…..We were quiet as we hit the road  home….I did talk him into stopping at a couple antique stores so I could brose and we had lunch, but then headed home.  We were sleepy when we got home, so we sat in our recliners and looked for a movie to watch….we both dozed off….the silence was broken by the shrill sound of Kim’s pager…..he jumped up as the voice from Central Dispatch said Lula Fire….you need to respond…unattended death…..We looked at each other, oh how he hates those calls….he responded and headed out the door.  I said a prayer for the family  and went to the office to do something.  It hadn’t been too long when I got a call from him…..his voice was serious, “Kathie can you come sit with a wife who just lost her husband?”  Oh my gosh I thought, oh how sad….can I?  “Kathie, Vera needs you.”  At that point it hit me, a dear friend and neighbor had died…his sweet precious wife of 62 years was all alone.  “I will be right there!”  I headed out the door, crying….poor Vera….oh I will miss Waymon….precious man, poor Vera.  I drove as fast as I dared, Kim greeted me on the porch where he waited for the ambulance.  “She’s on the couch, on the phone, go on in.”  I embraced her, she cried…..At that moment I knew why there were no cows at the sale!  God had a bigger plan for our day…..His sweet child, Vera, needed hugs……God was in charge of our day… could we ever have doubted HIM!  Father, help us to trust and believe in Your plans for us and to joyfully obey.  Help us to always reflect Your love in our actions with Your children.
“For I know the plans I have for you,”  declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11.  The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.  Psalm 33:11.  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9.  As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Colossians 3:12.
Love you all!

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