Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mouse in the house

Good Morning Friends!  Totally washed with HIS love, Tuesday!!!  First things first!  Thank you Father for this awesome rain!!  Last week was a busy one for me, real busy.  Saturday was our annual BBQ fundraiser at the fire department and that means a lot of work!  So I was busy all week shopping, preparing food, etc. and then the big day!  We started a little after 7 am moving the fire trucks out, cleaning and then setting up tables and chairs, decorating, organizing, you know the whole shamolly!  About 10 I headed home to cook 24 pounds of pinto beans!  One of our pots is almost as big as me….lol…really I have to stand on a chair to stir them….and so the day went….busy, busy and the anticipation, hoping for a big turnout always gets to me!  Back to the department about 3:30 to finish up the kitchen things…thank heavens for a great group of women to help out!  Five pm finally comes and we start serving, the band is playing, kids are having a great time in the bouncer and getting their faces painted and let’s not forget the silent auction!  Great success this year!  Our crowd was a bit slim, but it was a great night.  Finally it’s time to clean up (thank heavens for women that wash dishes hour after hour), and head home.  I was pooped, but did manage to unload my car!  Kim and I sat up and watched TV for a while hashing everything over while trying to relax and unwind; finally we gave up and went to bed!  I didn’t sleep good at all, so finally got up about 6 to  make coffee.  I grabbed a cup and went back to bed, Kim had turned on the news, so I sat there and watched for a little while.  Pretty soon we both got up…..he headed to the bathroom, sleepy-eyed and groggy, I went to the sink to run some dishwater……OH MY GOODNESS!!!!  The sight in my sink made me scream!  SCREAM, at the top of my lungs and run to the other side of the room.  Poor Kim, didn’t know what happened.  “THERE’S A MOUSE IN THE SINK, A MOUSE IN MY SINK!!!!!”  “Is it dead?”  he asked.  “NO!!!!!!  IT’S ALIVE!”  I screamed.  At that point he came into the kitchen, summed up the situation, reached in, picked it up by its tail, and flushed it!  Flushed it right down the toilet….oh mind you, it took two flushes!  Oh my gosh, my heart was racing, that thing….that mouse in my sink….My sink!!!!  That mouse in my sink, grossed me out!!!  Thank heavens for Kim and a good flush!!!  Later that morning, sitting in church, I couldn’t help but think about that gross mouse, in my sink!!!!  As we kneeled to confess our sins….a warm peace consumed me, inside and out…..Oh Father, I am so sorry that I am such a gross sinner!  I know that my sins must really gross You out like that nasty mouse did me.  Oh Father, You flush our sins through the death and resurrection of Your Son….Thank you Father, we sure do not deserve Your precious mercy and grace…..Thank you for loving us anyway!
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16.  As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.  Psalm 103:12.  The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him.  Daniel 9:9.  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8.
Love you all!

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