Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Well, you aren't dead!

Good Morning Friends!  Take time to be thankful, Tuesday!!  Well, my goodness seems like it’s been forever….missed you all!  Last Sunday I wanted to have a lesson on being thankful in conjunction with Thanksgiving for the kids.  I found a neat idea on the internet and adapted it to our group.  Basically I had a basket of apples with a number taped on each one.  I had each child tell me a song they wanted to sing and I had bible verses on being thankful.  So, I read a bible verse, someone picked an apple and we sang the song that corresponded to the number on the apple!  The singing came directly from the first verse, Psalm 147:7, “Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp (I said piano too, we have the most awesome pianist at church).”  And so we began, bible verse, apple, sing….what a good time we were having making music to our God!  Pretty soon, I read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  This verse lead me to ask the kids, quite dramatically, “Well, I’ve been really sick….so does this verse mean I have to be thankful for being sick???!!!!!”  I was really trying to make a point, about not being whiners, when one Jr. Hi boy said in his getting deep Jr. Hi voice, head down….”Well…..you aren’t dead!”  Wow!  Did that ever hit home….I have been doing quite a bit of whining about being sick…..in fact I’m sure there are friends and co-workers that are sick of hearing me whine……the point is I am alive!  Alive, with medicine, lots of chicken soup, cough drops and a caring husband…..I am going to be just fine!  That young man’s comment may have been a bit on the extreme side, but I think it really made a good clear point for us…..we do have so very much for which to be thankful, grateful….praise worthy!  Yet, it seems we are so quick to see the negative…..get sick once in a while and we think the world has come to an end….How about all the days we are healthy, feel great….are we thankful on those days.  Do we think to thank our doctor, pharmacist, friends, caring husband on those days….My husband starts my car every morning and pulls it right up to the back door for me…..Hmmm, have I thanked him lately….Ever called your doctor when you felt really good and thanked her for always being there when you need her?  Ever thanked God for her and prayed for wisdom for her in so many difficult situations?  Thursday is “Thanksgiving Day”  why wait…..let’s start thanking and praising right now!  Our God takes good care of us….provides us with what we need….oh yea sometimes we think it’s not quick enough, but…..never forget, Our Father always knows what’s best!  Trust and believe!!!  Father, oh my goodness there’s not enough hours in the day to thank you for all you do for us!!!  Accept our humble gratitude and praise!  Help us to always keep attitudes of gratitude.  And thank you for my doctor!!!
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the God of gods.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the Lord of lords:  His love endures forever.  Psalm 136:1-3.
Love you all!

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