Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Do what you can do!

Good Morning Friends!! Totally loved by HIM, Tuesday!  Sunday afternoon, after a busy Saturday, Kim and I were taking it easy watching a movie when we had a surprise visit from Cooper, Katy and Mom!  Woo Hoo!  We were both excited to see them, heading right to the door to great them!  Papa was holding the door open, I was behind him, Coop rushed in first, “Hi Pop” he said as he passed Papa and charged to my open arms….I wrapped my arms around him as he snuggled in for one of those “oh how great it is to be a Nana” hugs.  My heart glowed with the warmth of his love.  We even got Katy snuggled in for a group hug, much better than the old western movie we had been watching!  I wonder if he has any idea what joy those hugs bring me…..This morning I was reading in Mark 14, Jesus was having dinner with friends when a woman came in an opened an expensive jar of perfume and poured it on Jesus.  The disciples had a fit, she is wasting that, they told Jesus, it could have been sold and given to the poor.  They couldn’t believe that Jesus didn’t get mad at her….It was Jesus response that grabbed a hold of me…..He told them, “Leave her alone…She has done a beautiful thing to Me…..She did what she could.”  (Mark 14:6-8).   Those words really hit me….she did what she could….What she did wasn’t earth shattering or spectacular, I mean she didn’t end world hunger or convert a thousand people to Christianity….but…..she did what she could.  Jesus was happy with that, those are HIS words….Hmmm, as I pondered this my mind was in a whirl….HE wants us to do what we can, no great expectations of us changing the world, or traveling the world spreading the gospels…..just do what we can….Now, if you can travel the world and spread the gospel, go for it!  Go with God’s blessings, but each of us when empowered by the Holy Spirit and filled with the love of God can do HIS work……we can do…what we can do!  And God will bless us, if we are inspired by the Holy Spirit….In the midst of my whirling this morning, I thought of Cooper’s hug on Sunday……makes me smile…I know how much Cooper loves JESUS….so I know that Cooper did what he could,  he was inspired by the love of Jesus to hug his Nana, so deeply, so lovingly that Nana has been smiling from the inside out ever since……So let’s take a lesson from Cooper and do what we can do….today, right now!  We just never know what a little act of kindness, inspired by the love of Jesus, can do for someone….an unexpected hug, a few extra minutes with a friend in need, volunteering to do a job that no one else seems to want, listening, hearing, sharing, loving, caring, smiling, laughing, crying, hugging….from the inside out.   Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit and give us the desire to do what we can…..to Your glory.
As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Colossians 3:12.  Be kind and compassionate to one another.  Ephesians 4:32.  Jesus said, “If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.”  Matthew 10 :42.  Keep on loving each other.  Hebrews 13:1.
Love you all!

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