Friday, April 15, 2016

Don't miss out on God's FUN blessings

Good Morning Friends!  Find HIS fun blessings, Friday!   Most of you know that I have 3 miniature donkeys, Cloe, Eyore, and baby Sky.  Their main home is a small pasture adjoining the front yard butting up to the chicken coop.  I like having them where I can see them from the kitchen window and be able to give them treats when I go outside.  A couple of weeks ago, we moved Eyore over to the fenced yard in the front of the house.  You can’t get the lawnmower in it, so we periodically put Eyore in there to mow, plus it gives the girls a break.  Well, the whole time he has been there, around 5:30 am, he lets out an ear piercing hee haw, keep in mind, he is right outside the living room.  Things are very quiet in the house at that time, as I am chatting with our FATHER and Kim is snoozing in his chair, so when the hee haw sounds, you can’t help but notice…and honestly usually I am a bit annoyed…..This morning however, when he started in with his serenade, I smiled, just couldn’t help myself, one of those oh gosh what a stinker, but sure glad you're mine, kind of smiles….Know what I mean, and I chuckled thinking of him out there by himself, wishing he was over with the girls eating hay…gosh darn silly donkeys, I just love them!  This weekend Kim and I are going to move all three of them to a pasture a ways back from the house.  I won’t be able to see them unless I take the time to walk out there, and the morning serenade will be no more…..I always hate it when we move them, but it’s necessary so that their pen can rejuvenate and grow some nice grass for the summer.  This morning as I sat in the quiet darkness, still smiling from our hee haw serenade, I said a thank you prayer to our Father for the fun blessing of Cloe, Eyore and baby Sky… matter how annoying at the time, I will miss my morning serenade, but look forward to the green grass growing so the little family can return to their home.  God blesses us with so many “fun blessings” but we must slow down to see them, hear them, even smell them…stepping outside right after the lawn has been mowed, geese flying overhead in perfect V- formation, babies laughing at my silly faces, stopping to look at a turtle crossing the road, fresh from the garden veggies shared by friends, counting how many green eggs with Katy, shopping at the $Tree for treats to send to Tanleigh & Tucker (affordable treats), hearing Tanleigh say “Nana”……fun blessings…in the hectic, stressful, hurry of life….take time to enjoy the fun blessings, the little things that God sends our way to brighten our day….and then share!  Thank you Father for the fun little blessings all around us.  Open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to savor them, slow us down so we don’t miss out, bless us with attitudes of gratitude and joyful hearts singing praises to YOU.
Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.  1 Timothy 4:4.  Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift (s)!  2 Corinthians 9:15.  Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 5:19-20.  Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.   Psalm 111:2.  Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:7.  This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24.
Love you all.

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