Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I will give you rest

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderful to be HIS child, Wednesday!  Well, how’s everybody doing?  Is it just me, or does life just seem to be so crazy, hectic, busy, and so much turmoil in our world?   Sometimes, it all just seems to hit me and really weigh me down….I hate that, but sometimes… yesterday… happens.   Seemed like an ordinary morning at first and then bam….My husband and I got into a nasty screaming match, as a result, I left for work all upset…that started it…Darn, I really hate to leave for work like that, but I was really irritated.  My work day, was quite busy, which I like, but I felt like everybody was a bit off, like me…then in the afternoon, I had a call from a close family member very distraught… the brink of an emotional breakdown…..this person is precious to me, so my heart became heavy with worry….heavy….my heart, mind, and body felt heavy….worry, stress, anxiety taking over, stealing my joy….I try to be upbeat, positive, encouraging….I know I am a blessed child of God, but gosh…the day had me….heavy.  So on top of all that, I was mad at myself.  I was glad that Linda and I had car pooled, so I had someone to talk to on the way home….a good friend indeed to listen to me!  When I got home, Kim was still working, but when I talked to him he seemed to be in a good mood….that was good.  I had time to get some extra little chores done, plus get a head start on dinner before he came in.  Wow, when he came in, I could tell that his mood was so improved from the morning.  We talked, and calmly resolved the issues from the morning…what a relief….a little bit later, I got another call from my distraught family member….she had talked with her husband and got the support she needed and was in a way better place….oh thank you Father, I prayed…I felt lighter….then I got a text from a co-worker thanking me for the littlest deed….Oh Father…..I smiled as I closed my eyes, thanking HIM again, joyfully praising HIM for lifting the weight….asking for HIS forgiveness for carrying it by self in the first place…."Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28  Thank you Jesus…
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.  Colossians 3:15.
Love you all!

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