Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Crocodiles in My Kitchen: Believing in what you don't see

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderfully wrapped in HIS loving arms Wednesday!  You all remember Cooper and Katy right (in case you don’t Cooper 4 and Katy 3 are our “adopted” grandkids.  They live nearby)?  We live in an old farm house that we heat with wood.  We have a good air tight stove in the living room that for the most part works well, but sometimes when it is really cold we have a fire in the old stove in the kitchen…..until this year we had not done that for years.  Well, quite some time ago, Cooper took a keen interest in that stove and since we never used it we let him open the door and look in.  Well, way over a year ago, one day while playing with his new flashlight upon opening the stove door he discovered crocodiles residing there!  He was quite excited and of a course Papa and I played along with him, admiring the lovely crocks and offering pretend food for him to give them.  The next time Cooper was over, found his flashlight and went right to the stove to check his crocks….and each time we all took a look, playing along with his imagination.  This went on for month after month until finally his sister Katy had her own flashlight and was big enough to join in….Cooper opened the door and showed his sister the crocodiles.  His excitement was uncontainable and Katy joined right in with him.  Now this has been going on for over  a year, never ever do those kids come to our house whether together or alone ,that they do not check on their crocks.  We just smile and thank God for the blessing of children!  Remember the big snow and awful cold we had before Christmas?  Well, I was off work, but Coop and Katy’s mom had to work so Papa and I were keeping the kids.  It was so cold that morning that Papa thought maybe he better light a fire in the kitchen.  I cleared the top of the stove off and he built a nice fire…As he was getting it going it hit me the crocodiles!!!!   What would those babies think if they came over and a their crocks were all burned up….I asked Papa, “think I better get the crocks out and put them in something else?”  At first he laughed and said no and then decided….”yep, you better.”  So, I found an empty trash can and got a towel to cover the top….carefully (lol) I moved the crocks from the stove to the trash can!  When the kids got there we immediately explained that we had a fire in the stove, it was very hot, so they had to stay away…..but…before they could get upset….I showed them where I had moved their crocks!  They were delighted.  Immediately taking the towel off, checking them, holding them…of course we all did and then covering them up and placing them in a perfect place in the kitchen.  Sometime during that day………oh my gosh…..the discovery was almost too much for them!!!  The crocodiles had babies…..precious little baby crocodiles!  What a glorious day in LULA!  I have tried upon several occasions to move crocks and babies back to the stove, but with no luck!  For some reason they like them in the trash can in the middle of the kitchen!  I was telling my sister the croc tale the other day, gramma of 2 four year olds and a three year old, she totally understood and relished in their imagination.  I said to her, “I have been trying to figure out how to get a today out of this wonderful story.”  Immediately she responded, “Faith is believing in what you don’t see…..”  Wow!  Why didn’t I think of that??!!  Those precious children set a perfect example for our “faith” life.  We cannot see God, but with Holy Spirit filled faith we KNOW that HE is our ALL in ALL!  We cannot see HIM with our eyes, but we see HIM through the wonders around us, nature, kindnesses of others, special little blessings….the imagination of children…..Father, keep our faith strong so that we believe without seeing….trust without answers……forgive as you forgive us……LOVE others as YOU have shown us to LOVE….to remember….”Faith without works is dead…”  James: 2 17.
Though you have not seen Christ, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.  1 Peter 1:8-9.  It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8.  We live by faith, not by sight.  2 Corinthians 5:7.  Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1. 
Love you all!

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