Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Life's Interruptions

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderfully wrapped in His loving arms, Wednesday!  How many times a day do our conversations get interrupted….whether it be conversations with family, friends, co-workers or customers, seems like so often a conversation does not come to a mutual end!  What’s so frustrating about that is that of course, everything we have to say is so very important……well, you know what I mean!!  We think what we have to say, or what we are listening too is important, we want the conversation to be finished, we want all the details….then right in the middle…..something interrupts and so often what was being discussed is gone forever….we simply forget….get busy….get on with other things….and what seemed important at the time and very well could have been, is gone!  Very frustrating.  This morning a conversation I was having with a friend about a week ago here at work came to mind…..on New Year’s Eve while taking down the Christmas decorations in our front office we discussed the fact that we both needed to do that at home too!  Both of us had the desire, but weren’t sure if we would be able to get to it!  On New Year’s Day she was coming into Walmart as Kim and I were leaving, from her car she hollered “did you get your Christmas decorations down?”  I laughed and said, “Yep they are down.”  I walked to the car smiling that she had remembered to ask that.  The next day at work she again brought up the subject wondering if I had finished.  I explained that I had them down, but not put back in storage yet….at that point I remember wanting to ask her if she had gotten hers down and we were interrupted!!!!!  I never thought about it again until, for some crazy reason, this morning on my way to work.  What I felt was shame…..shame on me for being so selfish….blab on and on about myself, but never got around to asking how she did….shame on me….darned interruptions!  That’s when it hit me…..not only do our earthly conversations get interrupted, but also, more importantly our conversations with our Heavenly Father!!!!!  Oh my goodness, how many times a day I start to pray for someone, about a situation, for a need, forgiveness, giving thanks, praise… name it… intentions are good….but…..interruptions…..Thinking about so many good intentioned prayers that ended abruptly, I just had to smile…..Oh wow…..gosh….How blessed we are!!!!  Our Father knows our prayers before we pray them……He hears and knows all….right through the interruptions!  OH FATHER…..THANK YOU…..for hearing our prayers even when we don’t finish……We are so blessed to be YOURS!  All honor, glory and praise to YOU!
“Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear, “ says the Lord.  Isaiah 65:24.  Dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.  Jude 20.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God:  that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (even if we get interrupted).  And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.  1 John 5:14-15.  The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.  Psalm 145:18.  The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer.  1 Peter 3:12. 
Love you all!

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