Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The perfect "first responder"

Good Morning Friends!  Totally in HIS care, Tuesday!  Friday evening, I hadn’t been home long, had the groceries unloaded and frig things put away, but that was it…still in my dress clothes; the phone rang, it was Kathyrn, she was frantic…..”Can you go to the hospital with me?  Katy is hurt!!!”  “YES, we’ll be right there!” I responded, she told she was already on her way to get us.  I hollered at Papa, told him to come on Katy is hurt.  He wanted to know what happened, “don’t know” I said, “but she is hurt.”  We headed down our driveway just as she pulled in.  Katy was in the back holding a towel on her arm, crying desperately.  Papa jumped in the back by her and immediately started soothing her.  He looked at her wound and knew that she would have to have stitches.  I got in the front with Kathyrn and we flew to the hospital.  Cooper was so worried about his sister, I did my best to keep him occupied while Papa gave his attention to Katy, comforting her with his gentle words and explaining to her just what would happen when she got to see the doctor.  I was so glad we had our own “first responder” with us.  He took total control.  Dad arrived at the hospital (he was at work) about the same time we did; Papa hung back for him, I went into the ER with Kathyrn and helped her get Katy checked in….then the wait…..Cooper was a nervous wreck and itching to get himself into trouble, so Papa and I decided we could take Dad’s truck and Cooper and go home.  We hadn’t been home too long, when I heard from Kathyrn, they were in the examining room.  Pretty soon a picture came of Katy’s “boo boo” with a glowing report on the patient.  Soon they were headed home.  We were so thankful that Katy was going to be ok with a few stiches inside and out!  After Mom and Dad came and got Cooper, Papa and I rehashed the whole evening…..I was so proud of his expert “first responder” care-giving.  All his training has sure paid off!  I said a great big thank you prayer to our Father, and then chuckled to myself….My goodness we have the PERFECT FIRST RESPONDER…. On call….24/7!!!  HE didn’t need any training, no pager or cell phone….NOPE HE is our all- knowing, all powerful, healer, comforter, protector, ON CALL ready and waiting for us to come to HIM.  Oh you know I was praying all the way to the hospital and Cooper and I prayed for sister too……HE was there, with Katy, with us…..going to HIM comforted me…..knowing that HE is always there….gave me strength….peace.  Thank you Father for being our PERFECT FIRST RESPONDER for any need that we have.  Keep us mindful of YOUR presence in our lives….every minute of every day!  And thank you for taking care of precious Katy.  All glory to YOU!

Co not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the  peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7.  Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7.  The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.  Psalm 145:18.  “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear,” says the Lord.  Isaiah 65:24.
Love you all!

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