Monday, April 27, 2015

Watch out for the poison stuff!

Good Morning Friends! My goodness our God is a Mighty Awesome God, Monday!  As if the magnificent green of our current landscapes is not beautiful enough, our Heavenly Father, Magnificent Creator that He is, has now dotted our landscape with wildflowers….All colors, all shapes, all sizes of beautiful wildflowers.  I love wildflower season and have been excited for them to start popping up, so yesterday on my way to church I was delighted to see that just overnight, the green fields and roadsides were dotted with pinks, yellows, purple and white wildflowers…some were in clusters, some standing alone….all equally beautiful!  Our God is an awesome God!  And I just had to tell HIM thank you as I drove….oh the beauty of HIS creation for us!  Later yesterday afternoon Kim and I had to go check cows on a lease a few miles from home.  We took the long, scenic way home and I was tickled because it meant I got to see more of God’s handiwork!  We had the windows down and were just putting down a dirt road the woods were just thick with every shade of green you could imagine and in spots the trees from both sides of the road had joined to make a cover for us.  Again, I said a thank you prayer…then in the midst of the beauty I saw it….all over the trees and down onto the ground….the dreaded poison oak…”Oh Yuck, I hate that stuff, it’s all over!”  I told Kim,  “ I bet that junk is all over at the cabin!”  For a brief moment I was really disgruntled….wondering why in the world we have to have that horrible stuff intermingled with all the beauty….and the scary part is it is pretty to look at too!”  Just then, I felt the familiar pat on my shoulder….”Ahh Father, so You agree with me about this poison stuff!”  “Oh Kathie, My child…..I agree that poison stuff is not fun, especially when it looks pretty, but let’s go a little deeper….don’t you have temptations every day that look pretty….harmless….when in actuality they are potentially dangerous to your life…..maybe something as simple as a piece of cake when you are trying to lose weight….looks good, so why not?  Right?  Or how about that cute dress you saw at Stage the other day….you would look so pretty in it….but remember you have a doctor’s bill to pay…..seemingly harmless little temptations that can lead to big problems.”  Thanks Father, for the reminder that everything pretty might not be good for us.  Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to discern what’s really good for us…..and help us to always remember, every good and perfect gift comes from YOU!  Thank you for wildflowers Father and the lesson in poison stuff!

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.  Matthew 26:41Because Jesus Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.  Hebrews 2:18.  All have seined and fall short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9. 
Love you all!

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