Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Perfect Gift

Good Morning Friends!  Thankfully His, Thursday!  A good friend is in the process of having their home remodeled; recently they moved completely out into a little house on their property, so that the big work could get done.  She is really excited about her “new” home, but has found some inconveniences in her temporary housing situation.  One, her Christmas decorations, paper, cards are all packed up and stored….somewhere….The other day we were talking and I was telling her about my silly little Christmas tree, she told me she had only a tiny fiber optic one on a little table, this year….that everything is packed and really no room.  She said that the little tree will be about the extent of her decorations.  She mentioned having to dig for paper and cards, so she had slim-lined her gifts.  I pointed out a little nativity scene I had found in someone’s left-over garage sale things and she said,” I can’t find mine…it’s somewhere, but I don’t know where.”  So often our Christmas spirit is focused on decorations, lights, gifts, but we don’t need all the decorations to celebrate Christmas.  My friend’s house may not be all aglow with Christmas decorations, but her heart is.  Her heart is aglow with the true joy of Christmas….the reason for the season…..JESUS!   Christmas decorations are fun, but the real Christmas is in our hearts…..the real Gift….Perfect Gift…JESUS…King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Emanuel, Prince of Peace….our SAVIOR….and our BEST FRIEND! Father thank you for the PERFECT Gift, Your SON…..fill our hearts with the real JOY of Christmas…CHRIST!
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.   Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.”  Luke 2:11 & 13-14.
God Grant you:  “The light in Christmas, which is faith.  The warmth of Christmas, which is love.  The radiance of Christmas, wish is purity.  The belief in Christmas, which is truth.  The all of Christmas, which is Christ. “ Wilda English.
Love you all!

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