Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Behold the Lamb of God

Good Morning Friends!  Thankful to be HIS, Tuesday!  One of my job duties is to go through the Ada and OKC papers and cut out all articles dealing with Native Americans.  What a privilege, right?  Reading the newspaper on the time clock?  Well, yesterday I had all the papers since last Wednesday to go through, quite a stack!  Lots of sad news as well as good news, but one page, full page in the Christmas day paper took my breath away.  Very simple, but detailed, muted colors, but a glow framing the young child on the floor.  The child, Jesus in his dad’s work shop, playing on the floor while Joseph worked at his carpenter’s bench.  Jesus, the child, had found some nails and was pretending to work like his dad….the glow on HIS head cast the shadow of cross on the floor behind HIM.  Jesus playing…..in HIS dad’s shop…took my breath away.  I had never thought of Jesus, our Savior, as a young boy playing on the shop floor….just like Shawn and Ira.  Oh how those boys loved to play in their dads’ shops….Just like Jesus…Our SAVIOR….We are used to seeing Jesus in the manager, healing the sick, and hanging on the cross, God’s word tells us that Jesus was true man as well as true God….the picture showed me, reminded me that the true man was also true boy….born of a virgin…true God….the cross shining on the floor….that boy became our Savior…..HIS death and suffering….true man….HIS glorious resurrection…TRUE GOD…..All for us….JESUS the REASON for the SEASON….JESUS….the REASON….our SAVIOR…our BEST FRIEND!   Father thank you  for the gift of YOUR SON, TRUE GOD…true man…our SAVIOR, thank you for loving us and forgiving us, Father we sure don’t deserve Your grace and mercy.  Keep us mindful so that we forgive others…..
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.  John 1:29.
Love you all!

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