Tuesday, August 5, 2014

His most extraordinary, everyday blessings!

Good Morning Friends!  Totally, thankfully HIS, Tuesday!!!   This morning driving to work, I was thinking….”hope things are just a bit less hectic today….”  I was distracted when I saw cows in a pasture with grass at least a foot tall, poking their heads through the fence trying to get something on the other side….my gosh they had lush, green grass, in August right in front of them.  Couldn’t help but think dumb, greedy cows…they are so ungrateful for what they have!  I just couldn’t believe my eyes, but soon turned my thoughts back to a less hectic day….OH MY GOSH, BAM!!!!  DUMB and GREEDY….UNGRATEFUL!!  Those adjectives could easily apply to me…..for heaven’s sake….I am driving to work….First of all in these troubled times I have a great job!  Next, I am driving to it in my little black car….Yes, I live in the country and gas is high, but….did you hear me???  I live in the country, surrounded by lush, green pastures, tall trees, ponds and lots of critters….I live there….oh dear.  My job, is inside of a beautiful office, full of awesome friends and co-workers…My goodness, the friends I have made while at my job are such a huge blessing in my life…not to mention all the benefits…..After work, I go home to a loving, hard-working husband and our little dog Axle and almost always I hear from at least one of my out of state grandkids or maybe a visit from Cooper and Katy.  Last night I invited Katy for a Nana bath; Cooper was at firemen’s with Papa, so it would just be us girls.  They love their “Nana bath”  and it gives me so much joy….they are so grateful to have a bath at my house (of course I do have some really cool stuff for the tub)….a simple bath….Oh and it ended up firemen’s was short so Cooper got to have a “Nana bath” too and then we all sat on the porch and visited until the mosquitos ran us in.  While Harper was here one day Cooper asked her if she had ever had a Nana bath….how special is that?  He didn’t want her to miss out on the fun….shame on me for being ungrateful for even one second, when I have so much, my heart is so full…overflowing with HIS most extraordinary, everyday blessings!   Harper told Cooper, “Oh yes Cooper, I was having Nana baths long before you were even born!  Oh my, I have been blessed to be a Nana for a long time….Shame on me Father when I seem to be greedy and ungrateful for even a minute….I am so blessed by YOU and to be YOUR child…..Let my heart continually sing Your praises!
Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.  1 Timothy 4:4.  Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.  Psalm 118:1.  Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (every one, big or little).  12 Corinthians 9:15.  Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 5:19-20.  Amen! 
Love you all!

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