Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Good Morning Friends!! Magnificent is our God, Monday!  Last week a sweet friend gave me a bag of fresh green apples.  You know the tart ones that are so good for cooking and baking!  Well, I had a busy week and didn’t get to them, but Saturday afternoon as it was raining I decided to make some applesauce.  I had not made applesauce for, probably, a couple of years.  I love to make it for Kim, with Splenda, so it’s good for him and lots of cinnamon!  So I peeled, cored, chopped, and flopped them in a pan with a little water….soon the water was boiling, so I turned it down to simmer.  Within a few minutes I was able to perform my first mash!  Soon I was adding the Splenda and cinnamon….oh did it ever smell wonderful!  If I do say so myself, the final product was quite yummy!  Hailey, Cooper and Katy were all there for a visit so I shared with them and they loved it too!  It’s always, a joy to treat your family to something special, especially when it’s so good for them too.  The final product was worth the work for sure…..took a little time to get there, but no pain no gain right!!  So applesauce is cooling, everyone has had a little taste and there on the counter is a big bowl of peelings and cores…….so, you are thinking….throw them away and get the mess cleaned up right?  Nope…..not one peel, seed, core….not one little speck was wasted!!!!  Out to the critters I went….oh how the donkeys love apple peels and the bunnies too!  You should have seen them all quivery with excitement as I opened their cage and gave them a few peels.  All the rest… my precious chickens!  They ate it all….every last seed!  Not one piece was wasted, rather, what some might think is worthless fed my critters….nourished and treated them too!  Just think what we could accomplish if we didn’t waste any of the talents/skills that God gives us…..oh we go around thinking we don’t have any talents, we can’t do anything special, nothing to help anyone……Just think about it…..if apple peelings can make donkeys bray in delight and bunnies quiver with excitement, just think what one of your beautiful smiles could do for someone having a bad day….how about the neighbor kid waiting for his parents to get home from work that needs help with his homework…..or maybe a snack.  How about the young mom juggling little ones in the grocery line….would it be a waste to let her go in front of you….then maybe helping her to her car to get loaded up?  How about the bake sale for Relay for Life, or Sunday school class without a teacher….how about the old neighbor that needs help with her yard…..or a friend that needs help with a recipe…….are you thinking these aren’t talents Kathie…..Oh yes….I think they are…..when we use our hearts, minds, and bodies to help others we are serving our Heavenly Father…..we are using the gifts He gave us for good…….No act is too small…Wouldn’t it be a shame to waste what He has given us!  Heavenly Father, thank you for equipping us with wonderful bodies and minds, fill our hearts with the desire to use all that you give us to help others.  To You be the glory.  And Father, thank you for yummy apples, friends that share and all our wonderful critters!

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  1 Corinthians 12:5.  It is the Lord your God you must follow, and Him you must revere.  Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him.  Deuteronomy 13:4.  If anyone serves, He should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Crist.  1 Peter 4:11.  Each one should use whatever gift He has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10.  I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that He considered me faithful, appointing me to His service.  1 Timothy 1:12.  Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10. 

Love you all!

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