Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

Good Morning Friends!  Totally taken by His love, Tuesday!  Tuesday…..almost wanted to say Monday because of our holiday yesterday!  Aren’t 3 day weekends nice once in a while.  Trouble was, this morning when the alarm went off, I did not want to get up……that extra day of sleeping in a bit spoiled me fast!  I laid in bed a few minutes thinking “Oh gosh, I do not want to get up…..wish I had another day off, it’s cold out there and I am tired; another day would be great….”   I hadn’t been procrastinating and bemoaning having to get up too long when one of my favorite Sunday School songs popped into my head!  “Rise, Shine, give God the glory, glory.  Rise, Shine, give God the glory, glory (familiar?  Join in) RISE and SHINE and GIVE GOD THE GLORY, GLORY.  Children of the Lord!”  That’s all it took…..a gentle hint…..I had a great weekend, an extra day to be with family, time to get my Jack O Lantern painted, time to bake, time to relax and now…it’s time to get up and get to work…..I am blessed to have a good job to get up and go to, I have a wonderful car to get me to and from, good people to spend my day with, and a wonderful family waiting for me at home……let’s not forget my cozy old house, now sporting a great big jack O lantern (used a round bale) in the drive way!  And best of all, I am one of the Lord’s children!  So are you, so aren’t we blessed….doesn’t that just energize you to do the best you can…today…..everyday!   Oh, some days are not so easy, that’s for sure….but like this morning when I was feeling sorry for myself just thinking about the love of our Heavenly Father got me up and going!   Too blessed to feel sorry for myself or waste one minute of the beautiful day He has given me!  Glory, glory, glory….All glory to You our most awesome Heavenly Father!  Father, forgive us when we slip and let our minds waver from You and how much You love us!  Thank you for our many, many, many blessings!

Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord.  You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wind abound.  Psalm 4:6-7.The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him and I am helped.  My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.  Psalm 28:7.  Be joyful always.  1 Thessalonians 5:16.  Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!!  Philippians 4:4.

Love you all!

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