Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

Good Morning Friends!  Finally Friday is what I feel like saying this morning….but He has proven His love for me so it’s….forever loved by Him, Friday!!!!  Last night I had a dream about spiders, well one spider actually….quite a unique one at that.  The dream actually woke me up.  Doesn’t really surprise me that I had a dream whose main character was a spider because the spiders are just everywhere right now, both at home and at work; they lurk in corners just waiting for an opportunity to scare some unsuspecting woman…..small ones, big ones, hairy ones, scary ones…..but none quite so unique as the one in my dream…..that one was translucent…..I could see right through it, now that was kind of scary.  Like I said the dream woke me and I laid awake for a while thinking about it, but it wasn’t until this morning that I understood that see-through spider.  Yesterday the fuel filter on my little black car plugged up so I had to take the old Honda car to work, no biggie I thought, I got a new filter in town and Kim would put it on for me….on the road again!  Well, on the way home last night, I felt something odd, pulled off the road and checked, darn the right front tire was separating….finished trip home at about 10 mph!  Still not worried cause I knew Kim would get my little black car fixed up again.  He went out early this morning to take care of it, but when I went out to leave at 7:20 he was fit to be tied.  My car would not start…..he tried everything, but to no avail….he tried and tried and tried….it was getting later and later….I tried to call a friend for a ride, but was too late, called work and told them I would be late again (thank heavens for an understanding boss) and prayed that it would start…..NOPE!!!!!  Finally, totally in a twit Kim said, “YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE MY TRUCK, BUT YOU HAVE TO GET FUEL, GET YOUR STUFF AND GET GOING!!!!”   I hope the capitol letters help you get the drift of his mood…mine wasn’t much better.  You see, his truck is big….real big….my legs barely, if I am sitting forward, reach the pedals big….plus it needed fuel…OH MY GOSH…..I WAS FIT TO BE TIED......driving his truck makes me a wreck, and I was going to be so late to work….it’s hard to shift and there are so many deer out right now…..As I loaded my stuff and “jumped” in the thoughts in my mind were definitely not any that I would be proud for our Heavenly Father to know……that’s when it hit me….the translucent spider……..Oh my gosh!  He sees right through me….He knows what’s in my heart and mind…..I am translucent to HIM…..oh no!  I was in a dither, but I felt His tap….”Kathie, My child, I do know what you were thinking and no it was not very nice…..but I hear you now too….you are sorry and I forgive you.  I will always forgive you when you come to Me with a repentant heart.  Now go on and get to work…..I am with you, I love you….you are forgiven.”  I hope I never really see a translucent spider, but I am sure thankful for the reminder…..sure needed it today.  Father thank you so much for taking care of me this morning even when I was less than lovable… me see the blessings in each and every day.  Thank you for loving and forgiving me always.

For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.  Psalm 25:11.  My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin.  But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks t the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.  1 John 2:1.  You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding love and faithfulness.  Psalm 86:15.  The Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rise to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for Him!  Isaiah 30:18.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Romans 12:12.

Love you all!

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