Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Good Morning Friends! Marvelous in His love, Monday!  Remember Friday I mentioned I was looking forward to going to our little cabin Friday evening?  Well, when I got home a neighbor was there visiting and we got so wrapped up in fun conversation that it got a little late to go, so I suggested to Kim that we go on Saturday after we get our chores done.  We could go earlier, more time to sit around the campfire and less stress for me getting everything ready to go, so worked out perfectly!  We were up early Saturday morning, took Cooper and Katy to breakfast, then came home and got to work.  About 4 I had everything together so we loaded the truck and headed up the hill!  Gosh I was really excited about sitting around the campfire.  First thing we did was go inside to check things out….oh shoot….wasps!  We had forgotten that last winter wasps invaded the cabin and we should have gone up and set off a bomb….well Kim thought we could go ahead and do it and just stay outside longer.  I headed out to set up outside and he set off bomb!  Gosh, the weather was perfect for a campfire, just cool enough, not to cold.  We both wore our jackets and snuggled close to the fire….I was in hog heaven!  Kim cooked on the open fire….delicious!!!!  It was getting pretty cool, so Kim went in to check on the wasp situation.  There were dead ones all over the floor, so we decided to move inside.  I started sweeping up while he started a fire in the woodstove….soon we were comfy inside, reading by the battery light and chatting away…We noticed a few wasps flittering way up high…hmmm….we kept reading, not really concerned….we figured they would settle down once the lights went out.  Soon we climbed into bed and settled into that good sleep, cozy in our cabin.  All of a sudden I felt an excruciating pain in the back of my arm….I jumped up and screamed out, “I JUST GOT STUNG!!”  No sooner had I got that out…..BAM, again….I got stung again…the other arm….by now Kim had the light on and we could see more wasps in the bed….”Let’s go home.”  I good not have agreed more…we quickly dressed, loaded all our stuff, and headed home!  My arms were both throbbing from the painful stings.  Once we were home, I told Kim I sure was glad they got me instead of him because he is allergic…oh my gosh could have been so bad for him…Hmm, a thought came to me……those stings that were painful for me, just for a minute, but didn’t really hurt me, could have been terrible for my husband…..hmmm how often does our does our Heavenly Father give us little stings….little reminders that might seem painful for just a second, but actually keep us from situations that are much worse.  You know when we have piled our cart with all kinds of things we really want….the sting….but you have bills to pay…..You overheard some unkind things about a co-worker and headed off to tell someone all about it….then the sting…..Think how many problems malicious gossip causes…..Hmmmm…..Father, make us aware of Your “stings” so that our lives always reflect You.  You know…the good old Golden Rule…do unto others as you would have them do unto you!!!! 

Be kind and compassionate to one another.  Ephesians 4:32.  As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Colossians 3:12.Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.  Matthew 5:42.  In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.  Matthew 7:12. 

Love you all!

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