Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Good Morning Friends!  My goodness it’s a marvelous Monday!  Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.  We had such a fun day with family and oh what good food….truly blessed in every way.  Friday morning after breakfast we headed out to get our chores done.  Kim needed to go to Home Depot in Norman to pick up 2 air conditioners (should be the end of supplies needed for the big project); Ada store didn’t have any, hence a trip to Norman on the Friday after Thanksgiving!  Yikes!  I told him I would go with him, but might have to make a couple extra stops….if you catch my drift.  He also wanted to go by Sam’s and get his tires rotated, so we had a good day ahead of us.  First stop, lunch at I Hop (right next to Home Depot).  We had a great lunch and bravely headed into the store, knowing we would have to be patient because we were asking them to do something extra on such a busy day!  Well we were there a little over an hour, but really went pretty smooth considering….next stop Kohl’s where Kim stayed in truck while I went in to catch a few sales….oh my the line was long, but I had found just what I wanted so I decided to be patient and wait….glad I did went really fast!  Back to the truck and on to our last stop, Sam’s.  Once again a line, but not too bad, got the truck in and headed into store to shop a little while we waited.  In about 30 minutes truck was ready, so we checked out, got our key and headed to truck…we were both quite ready to be headed home!  Burr it hadn’t gotten cold out, I encouraged Kim to hurry and get the truck unlocked…Kim was using a key he had gotten made a few months ago, worked just fine in the ignition, but he never tried it in the doors…..he rarely has the need to lock…..Guess what!  Yep!!!!!  The key did not work in the door….we were locked out of our truck, after a long day in the city, and it was cold.  We had no options but to call a lock smith.  I headed back into the tire shop to see if they could recommend someone….they gave me a couple of numbers and Kim called the first one….said he would be there in fifteen minutes….now just the wait…in the cold….tired and hungry….Soon the guy showed up and in no time we were in the truck and headed home with a key that worked!  As I stood in the cold waiting for the lock smith I thought about a dear friend whose father had passed away on Thursday…I thought of her deep sadness and said a prayer for her…. That’s when it hit me….Prayer is our key and our Heavenly Father our perfect Lock Smith!!!!  He gives us the key, so that through prayer, sad, grieving hearts can be opened and filled with His Perfect Love, His Peace, the only Peace that comforts.  When there’s nothing else we can do, we have the best gift of all….the key….from our Heavenly Father….the Perfect Lock Smith.  Father, thank you for hearing our prayers….for comforting sad hearts with Your love and peace.  Help us to pray faithfully for those in need.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Matthew 5:4.  Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me; O Lord, be my help.  Psalm 30:10.  I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.  Jeremiah  31:13.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Psalm 23:4.  Dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.  Jude 20.  “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear, “ says the Lord.  Isaiah 55:24.

Love you all!
Kathie A. Johnson

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