Monday, February 11, 2013

february 11, 2013

Good Morning Friends! Mighty and Awesome is our God, Monday!  Remember a week or so ago I mentioned the fodder factory?  Well, for those of you that don’t know what that is, let me give you a brief description.  Kim is growing wheat hydroponically (in water); every eight days he harvests 6 trays (20’ x 10”) of wheat, fresh green wheat about 8” tall with a thick mat of roots (kind of looks like sprouts).  The lush green, feeds each of our many animals…The whole system is automatic, set on timers that turn on water every few hours and also the lights for several hours each day.  All set up on automatic timers….easy right….Well, a couple weeks ago a couple of the cylinoids quit working…first one and then another on one side of the factory.  Kim had a couple extra for a part not set up for production yet so he put them on….then got on the phone to order a couple more, well actually think this happened twice….kind of weird we thought and so new they shouldn’t be breaking so fast.  Well, it was Thursday that he called to get a couple more ordered….well guess what!  FarmTek told him that there was a malfunction…duh….the wires on the cylinoid are not compatible with the timers…go figure, right!!!!!  They are working on the problem and hope to have new ones out in just a few days….in the meantime….well, just hope no more go out right!  Saturday morning as I finished in the kennels,  Kim went up to start in the fodder factory….the harvesting and planting process takes a little time, so he went to get started while I finished the kennels.  I had just gone into the house to get a bottle of water when he came in….fit to be tied.  Another cylinoid, on the other side had gone out!!!!!!  If we could not find one in town….well…no water….no wheat….Mind you we are talking 30 trays….20’ x 10” in various stages of growth…approximately 3000 pounds of feed that would go to waste without water!  Kim called all over town to no avail…..then he called FarmTek again….well they sure are sorry, but…..nothing yet.  We headed to the factory, knowing exactly what we would have to do…….Water by hand….all 30 trays…twice a day….Oh boy.   Well, I took the first shift as Kim finished planting on the other side…..back and forth, over and over watering with a fine mist so as not to mess up the freshly planted seeds….back and forth….tray after tray… arms were getting so tired to say the least and my back from all the bending over…….I was getting really bored and trying desperately to keep my attitude adjusted when and interesting thought came to me……What if our Heavenly Father got bored with watering us……listening to our gripes, healing our pains, supplying our needs, picking us up, wiping our tears, sharing our joys, taking care of our kids, listening….comforting…..loving……forgiving!  The good news!!!!  HE DOESN’T!!!!!!  Our Heavenly Father happily waters our every need…..each of us individually…..lovingly, happily, no attitude adjustment needed….Oh how loved we are!  Father, thank you for never getting bored with us and our constant need for watering!  We are sooooo blessed!  To You be all Glory!!!

Because You are my help, I sing in the  shadow of Your wings.  Psalm 63:7.  You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.  Psalm 16:11.  The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.  My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.  Psalm 28:7.  In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name.  Psalm 33:21. Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.  Psalm 106:1. 
Love you all!

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