Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Beautiful Stars : Nehemiah 9:6

Good Morning Friends!  Totally trusting in our Father’s love, Tuesday!  Last night after work I dove into unpacking and laundry from our trip last week.  Our little puppy is so very glad we are home….so excited that when we take her out to potty, she wants to play so it takes forever….Last night just before going to bed, I took her out for one last time….she was being crazy and I started to get impatient until I looked up, skyward.  The sky was breathtaking…..so dark, but totally a light with thousands, maybe millions of dancing, sparkling stars…..stars expanding from one side of Lula to the other all for my delight……I stood there gazing….in awe of God’s magnificence……I felt His presence in the expanse of the dancing sky and thought, who could ever doubt HIM…..doubt that HE is real, omnipotent and omniscient….I thought of the massive ocean we had seen in California…..like the sky expanding as far as the eye could see, continuous waves pounding the sandy beaches…..comprehending the water and sand….not possible….again I thought, how could anyone ever doubt HIM…..as Holina bit my toe, I jumped and swatted her…..immediately breaking the spell I was in, pondering God’s magnificence…..I thought of the horrid 4, 5, 6 lane freeways of Southern CA, the confusion and danger as we drove them….there was no peace….no awe there, only stress and chaos….the world’s chaos so often, so easily distracts us from the magnificence of  our Heavenly Father…..the magnificence of HIS creation…..the magnificence of HIS Gift to us….HIS ONLY SON….Father, forgive us when we let life distract us from YOU, keep us ever in YOUR presence in awe of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. Help us to go there when life has us in a traffic jam.  Love you Father, all honor, glory, and praise to YOU>
You alone are the Lord.  You made the heaven, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them.  You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.  Nehemiah 9:6.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  Psalm 73:26.  These are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him!  Who then can  understand the thunder of His power?  Job 26:14.  The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1. 
Love you all!

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