Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blessed with unique talents: Acts 10:28

Good Morning Friends!  Thankfully loved as we are, Thursday!  Have I told you about our new puppy?  Remember back….Kim  adopted a Pyrenees puppy that he found in the pasture after being abandoned by its mother?  He named her Holina and they were instantly best buddies….inseparable !  He raved about her all the time, how smart she was, easy to train, not a pest, and just so cute….and then one afternoon….a few months after Holina had joined our family…..Kim accidentally ran over her.  He was devastated, swearing he would never do that again (fall in love with a dog), never ever have another dog!!!!!  And that was that!  It broke his heart to have to tell Cooper that his buddy was gone.  Well, wasn’t but maybe a couple of weeks later he started saying things like, “maybe Holina’s mom will have more puppies…..maybe we will have another Holina.”  And guess what??!!!  Yep on August 10th, Holina Dos (two in Spanish that was Hailey’s idea) was born.  There were four puppies, two all -white and two with color on their faces just like Holina One had.  Kim was all excited and could hardly wait until she was big enough to take home.  The day actually came sooner than we had thought because once again mother abandoned two puppies, one was very weak and didn’t make it, but Holina Dos was strong and active!  I dug out all of Holina One’s toys….Kim was thrilled!  Of course, we both thought that Holina Dos would be just like Holina One……She does look just like Holina One, but her actions and behavior…..Not so much at all!  The other night we were watching TV, Holina Dos was destroying everything she could get her teeth on; Kim picked her up, holding her in his lap trying to love on her and she was just going crazy biting him, chewing his fingers, squirming all over….at that point he said, “She sure isn’t like her sister is she?”  I most definitely had to agree…..Holina Dos, was not Holina One reincarnated….she is in fact very different….We were bemoaning that fact when Kim made a great statement about us!  Seems that we, wanting so much to have Holina One back have been in fact quite unfair to Holina Dos…..Holina Dos is unique, a separate creation, she has her own personality traits and characteristics….we have been wrong trying to change her or assume that she will be just like Holina One…..At that point, Kim and I vowed to accept her, love her based on the puppy she is….not the one we thought she should be.  Later, lying in bed it occurred to me….Oh how blessed we are that our Heavenly Father created each of us uniquely…..HE loves each of the same……big or small, short or tall, old or young, rich or poor, shy or outgoing, mechanically inclined or all thumbs, good cook or fast food queen….Our Father LOVES us, accepts us…..blesses us with unique talents….that’s the way HE planned it!  How boring this world would be if we were all the same….Hmmm, if our Father sees us all the same….yep…..we must do the same.  Father thank you for loving each of us for who we are, help us to set aside prejudices and treat everyone as You would…..
Do to others as you would have them do to you.  Luke 6:31.  Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”  John 13:15.  Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Hebrews 10:24.  Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10.  God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.  Acts 10:28.  To love God with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.  Mark 12:33.
Love you all!
Kathie A. Johnson
Administrative Services

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