Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bumps in the road, but filled with joy!

Good Morning Friends!  Wise and wonderful is our God, Wednesday!  Been feeling kind of down and out the last few days….you know feeling sorry for myself…..hit some bumps in the road of life….nothing any different than anyone else goes through at times….but it’s me…and I’m tired….down and out…drowning in a sea of worry, stress, bills……Needless to say….my attitude….definitely was not shining with God’s love, quite to the contrary actually.  Snuggling into my recliner this morning I opened God’s word to Psalm 126…..”When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion”,…..OK now that hit me right off…..BACK the CAPTIVES….yep, there had been trouble for someone….held captive, but now they are BACK….OK, so I am captive right now, imprisoned by stress, worry, bills…..but I will be BACK!  “Our mouths were filled with laughter”  don’t feel like laughing right now, but I will be back….”our tongues with songs of joy.”  Well, kind felt like a slap to the face of my attitude…Maybe if I got to singing some joyful songs, praising and thanking God for His tender mercies…..Maybe…..Hold on….. "Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’  The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”  My goodness, the Lord has done great things in my life, I should be filled with joy….just found out that Hailey is going to have my second great grandchild……now what could be more joyful than that!!!!  And I’ve rediscovered the sheer delight of sour gummy worms, added bonus Katy loves them too!  Cooper is starting T ball, summer fun!  And oh my goodness I will have all my family together in California for Hannah’s high school graduation!  Added bonus Harper graduates from 8th grade the same day, so we will get two for two!  Double bonus…..looks like Papa and I might very well get to bring Brayden and Dane back with us for a couple of weeks!!!!  Woo Hoo!  I AM filled with joy!  I am so blessed!  So many precious grandchildren, children,  a husband that thinks I am “impeccable”, house, home, food, clothing, great job!  I AM filled with joy!  A Wise and Wonderful Heavenly Father, that loves and forgives me when I feel sorry for myself, blesses me with HIS grace and mercy!  I AM filled with joy!!  The Psalm ends saying, “Restore our fortunes, O Lord….Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy  carrying sheaves with him.”   Restore…..HE will restore me, in HIS way, and HIS time….in the meantime I will be joyful and sing HIS praises…..looking forward to carrying in the sheaves of HIS LOVE!  Thank you Father, for the times that make me look UP to YOU!!!!  Fill me with the pure JOY of Your Perfect Love and forgive my weakness.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  Psalm 73:26.
Love you all!

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