Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Get er done!

Today at 11:01 AM
Good Morning Friends! Wonderfully wrapped in His loving arms, Wednesday!  Me oh my, Luke 1: 37, “For nothing is impossible with God.”  Took on a whole new dimension for me this past weekend!  My husband got hit by some kind of horrible cough, cold, sinus, chest, deep cough, headachy, body achy, tummy yucky sickness last weekend.  Well it started about Thursday, but by Friday at noon he was off the ranch and in the recliner….and that’s where he stayed until yesterday!  Now those of you that know him, know that is not at like him….not even a little bit!  So, Friday night when I went up to fill the seed buckets in the fodder factory, I knew I had quite a weekend ahead of me…..standing there alone, filling the buckets I let our Father know exactly how I was feeling about the weekend ahead……Saturday morning, I got up early, got on my work clothes, grabbed a tablet and proceeded to get detailed instructions from my sicky!   He carefully detailed how much fodder, each group of animals got (and how to place it on the truck),  how many buckets of wheat for the calves, bull, sheep….lambs get 50 pounds of pellets, fodder on top and fill troughs with alfalfa and don’t forget to water them….oh cows need half a bale of Alf alpha too….(we are talking a very large bale)…..suddenly he stopped….sadly shaking his head he said, “there is NO WAY you can do this!”  Again, this is not like him….he always thinks I can do and he always manages to get up and go, not Saturday.  Oh boy, I thought I am going to need some reinforcement for sure……So, as put on my coat, hat, and gloves and headed out the door I said, “Father……you are coming along aren’t You?”  Please!”  I was feeling really overwhelmed and unsure of what lay ahead of me…..first obstacle…getting the old feed truck started!  Great little 1983 Isuzu diesel with a little flatbed….has no heat, no defrost, driver’s side door doesn’t latch….and oh gosh did I tell you that to get it started you have to spray ether in the air filter first!  I got the hood popped, found the latch to lift it and then stood staring at all the parts…air filter…hmmmm….let’s see I should remember which one of these figga ma jobbies is the air filter….yep, think it’s this one…one little squirt Kim said that’s all…ok done, now let’s start it.  With a few rattles, bumps, and lots of exhaust we were up and running!  Thank you Father!  Axle (remember our new little dog) and I headed out….our FATHER right beside us…We took one chore at a time, one bucket, one bag, one flake….when I got to feeling like I wasn’t going to be able to do it….I took a deep breath, feeling HIS gently touch I continued…..Cooper, Katy, and Mommy came over and helped me for a while, wow that was wonderful….Mommy said, “what a workout!  I need to do this more often” as she flaked large chunks of alfalfa to the cows.  Late in the afternoon, after giving the lambs and calves their nighttime food, I pulled off my boots and jeans, slipped into some comfy sweats and started sorting the laundry….I was totally exhausted, my back, legs and arms throbbing, but I felt good….the job, big job, for today was done….I smiled as I thanked our Father for going with me…..”For nothing is impossible with God.”  Lesson learned.  Thank you Father for reminding me that if I take you along with me, no task on the ranch, at work, in my family, heart or mind is too much….With YOU we can “get er done!”  Thanks also Father, for getting Kim on the road to health, for the doctors, nurses and meds that You provide!
Jesus said, “Because you have so little faith.  I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”  Matthew 17:20.  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26.  The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.  Psalm.  29:11.  The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Deuteronomy 31:8.

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