Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dazed and confused...

Good Morning Friends!!!!   Wonderfully and Thankfully wrapped in His loving arms Wednesday!  Well, it has been a wild and crazy week….but I am determined to spend a little time with you today!!!!  Hope you are having a most blessed week wrapped in His love!  A few days ago for some reason or another Kim and I decided to start letting the chickens out of their coop during the day.  I love to have them out in the yard eating bugs (as well as leaving little treats for us), but we had so much trouble with critters terrorizing them that for the last couple of years we have just left them in.  Several years ago, Kim fortified their coop to be critter proof (well other than snakes, they still find their way in and steal my eggs), that’s when we started leaving them in….Well, like I said for some reason or another we have been letting them out and oh boy do they like it!  They hunt and peck through every blade of grass, hay bales, leaves, tore up the insulation around the faucet and they love to go in and pester the donkeys!  Well, the other night it was getting time to lock them back in their coop, so I looked outside to see if they were about all in roosting for the night.  Yep, all but one, she was in the donkey pen obviously dazed and confused, pacing back and forth along the fence that butts up to the coop!  I watched as she went back and forth, wanting desperately to get out of there and into her house!  I kept hoping she would find her way, but after a minute or two I knew I would have to go out and catch her.    The donkeys shelter made a dead end alley way and I waited until she got in there and then grabbed her!  Bless her heart she went crazy, screeching in a tone that told the world she just knew she was going to die!  Squawking and flapping her wings I carried her over to the coop…..all the while her rooster was having a fit… absolute get-me-out-of-here, my lady needs me-fit!!!!  Crowing so loudly I am surprised that Kim couldn’t hear him in the house….Although he couldn’t get out of the coop, that rooster, man of the coop, was giving it his all to try and rescue one of his hens!  As soon as I put her into the coop, everyone calmed down, but I was just so touched by the roosters leap into action… concern for himself….his loud crowing let the world know he was on his way!  Thinking about him the last few days, I have had to wonder how often I miss opportunities to leap into action to help someone in need…I kept thinking about how loud he was; then this morning I ran into a verse in God’s word that just really hit my heart…..from Luke 6:45…..”For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”  Oh my….based on what was coming from his mouth, there could be no doubt what was flowing from his heart!  He wanted to help his hen, his fellow chicken and he let the world know….kindness, understanding, empathy, concern……that’s what came from his mouth.  I had to hang my head in shame as I thought of so many times I have spoken unkind words, selfish, thoughtless words with no concern for the consequences…..Oh my goodness never giving one thought to what my heart must look like to our FATHER!  How sad to think that people in my life might me pacing around in a “dazed and confused” time in life and I stay quiet or worse yet say unkind, thoughtless things…..Father, forgive me when my heart does not reflect you…..enable my words and actions to reflect the love in my heart for YOU!  Our glorious Heavenly Father!
May my lips overflow with praise, for You teach me Your decrees.  May my tongue sing of Your word, for all Your commands are righteous.  Psalm 119:171-172.   Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.  Proverbs 12:18.   Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.  Psalm 141:3.  Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your moths, but only what is helpful for building other up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  Ephesians 4:29.  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14.
Love you all!

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