Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Impeccable Taste

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderfully loved by HIM Wednesday!  Last night I went with my husband to a Storm Watchers class at the Vo Tec…needless to say when he asked me to go with him, I was not all that excited….However, always trying to be a good little wifey, I agreed to go, with a smile.  In hopes of easing my less than enthusiastic attitude, he enticed me with dinner out before class.  I had hitched a ride with my good friend from Clarita, so Kim picked me up at 5 and we headed to dinner.  We decided on Oscar’s Chinese Restaurant.  When we have Chinese food, I always read our fortunes out loud.  I finished eating first, so I opened my cookie and read it…something about good news coming my way…that’s always nice!  When he finished, he opened his and handed me his fortune.  OMGOODNESS!  As soon as I read it I burst out laughing….Those of you who have the distinct pleasure of knowing my husband will understand my reaction immediately…for those of you who do not….Well….let’s just say….when you look up the definition of “redneck” you will find him there!  The last worry he ever has is how he looks….he wears bib overalls everywhere and when they get worn, he cuts them off for shorts and wears them to town (sorry Julie, I know how that hurts you)….he is a red headed, chubby, out spoken, work-alcoholic…he gets his clothes so dirty I know that people think I don’t wash them, jokester, red necked, man; he could re-write the book on “frankly….I don’t give a d…..n…..getting the picture……So when I read his fortune…..I could not help but burst into laughter….I laughed so hard I couldn’t even read it to him.  Every time I tried I would just burst into laughter that was, in fact, a bit loud for a restaurant…..OK, are you ready to hear what it said…..I am laughing as I think about it……OK, here it goes…..”You have impeccable taste”…..that’s it……giggling and wiping tears from my eyes waiting for his response…..You know what that little redneck said……without a second’s hesitation…….”Of course I do…..I picked you!”  So now….you have his other side….kind, unselfish, loving……Look up “impeccable” in the dictionary……”.perfect, without flaw”  of course he could not be further from the truth, but wow how blessed am I to be married to such a redneck!  All throughout the evening I couldn’t help but think about his response…..How quick we are to point out the flaws of others… thankful I am that the only PERFECT, FLAWLESS MAN died for me….and you! True God and True Man our sins…our flaws are forgiven……we are blessed.  Father, please help us to treat other as You treat us…..To YOUR Glory!  Thank you Father for the life, death, and resurrection of Your Son, for us.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.   For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.  John 3:16-17.  Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.  Ephesians 5:2.  We love because God first loved us.  1 John 4:19.  Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.  Jude 2.
Love you all!

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