Good Morning Friends! Forever His, Friday! A
few weeks ago we decorated our front lobby for Christmas (remember I am the
receptionist). We put up a big tree and as a final touch to the decorations we
hung candy canes all over, our plan was to offer everyone, little and big a
candy cane from the tree. Oh what a pleasure I have had offering young and old
alike a chance to take a candy cane from the tree….bright smiles, sincere thank
yous….simple pleasures….Christmas joy! Candy canes have been a part of
Christmas for as long as I can remember….how about you? Did you know that
there’s real thought and meaning behind the candy cane? The candy cane was
invented by a candy maker in Indiana, his main purpose to make a candy that
would really represent the true meaning of Christmas….a witness to our Greatest
Gift….JESUS….THE REASON FOR THE SEASON….Here’s his analogy…..the first candy
canes were all white to represent the virgin birth and the holiness of
Jesus…..the candy is hard to represent THE SOLID ROCK of our faith. The candy,
first is in the shape of a J….for JESUS; when you turn it over it becomes a
cane….a shepherd’s cane to represent that we are children of the GOOD
SHEPHERD….who takes care of us, nurtures and protects us and brings us back to
HIM when we stray. Last, but certainly not least, he added the red stipe……red to
represent JESUS blood shed for us… price for us….freely HE gave HIS life for
us……We need only put our faith in HIM, the Good Shepherd, our Solid Rock! So in
the next few days when you come across a candy cane….remember the candy maker
from Indiana that shared so wonderfully the REASON FOR THE SEASON…..and share
HIS PERFECT LOVE with someone…..Father, help us to remember the true gift of
Christmas every day! Not just once a year...and help us to share the message of
the candy cane!
I bring you good news of great joy that will
be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to
you: He is Christ the Lord. This will a sign to you: you will find a baby
wrapped in “swaddling” clothes and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12. Grow in
the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory
both now and forever! 2 Peter 3:18.
Christmas to you and your loved ones….Love you all!
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