Wednesday, November 13, 2013

He is Our All in All

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderfully cared for by our Awesome God, Wednesday.   I am fighting off a cold, so I feel kind of groggy this morning….hadn’t had a clear thought for us to share until I read the poem below by Roy Lessen… sweet Texas cousin shared  with me.  Go ahead, take a minute and read it a couple of times……What do you think…..please be still for a minute, close your eyes…..clear your mind of everything but HIM….breath……I am serious….please, .trust me on this…..whatever you are doing….be still….let HIM in……just for a minute…..HE IS OUR ALL IN ALL our EVERYTHING…..EVER PRESENT…..ALWAYS.  Eternal Father… blessed we are to be Your children, loved and protected ALWAYS……
The Almighty One and your Might,
The Provider and your Provision,
The Giver and your Gift,
The Protector and your Protection,
The Warrior and your Victor,
The Healer and your Health,
The Blessed One and your Blessing,
The Eternal One and your Ever-Present Help in time of need
.  Roy Lessen  
Do not be afraid, little flock, for you Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”  Luke 12:32.
Love you all!

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