Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Overflowing With Thankfulness

Hi friends, I reached back in my archives and pulled out our Today from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving last year….and there’s a thank you… modern technology!  I’m just so excited today, silly I know, but couldn’t seem to settle down with a new thought……so many thank yous running through my mind….I know that each of us have certain struggles going on, but for the next few days, let’s try to focus on the positives…..lift our hearts and minds in total praise and see what happens….let’s remember our prayers of comfort for those mourning, healing for loved ones with health problems, peace and rest for troubled minds.  Chiming in with apostle Paul in his words from Thessalonians….”Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks!  1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.


Good Morning Friends! Thankful, oh so very Thankful to be loved by HIM wonderful Wednesday!!!  The Johnson family has always had a family reunion at Thanksgiving.  Kim and I have not attended since we moved to Oklahoma, but oh I have some great memories of our Johnson Thanksgivings.  As I sat in the quiet darkness this morning having my morning chat with our Heavenly Father, my thoughts went to Thanksgiving…..being thankful, grateful, I asked for a true attitude of gratitude, I felt so blessed and undeserving of all the blessings I receive day in and day out…..Thanksgiving attitudes should be everyday….Father forgive us when we forget in between.  Well, anyway the Johnson reunions kept coming into my mind and I thought about my sister-in-law, Rita.  Rita is from Germany, Kim’s brother met her while he was stationed there many years ago.  She is a wonderful, kind, unselfish woman….worthy of thanks!  Well, what I really remember about Rita at Thanksgiving is that she always cleaned the turkey carcass…..yes the most dreaded, awful job of the whole meal and Rita did it (sure she probably still does) every time, without asking, without griping… with a smile.  Rita would stand as long as it took and pick the meat off the carcass so we could make something tasty, she never missed one speck.  Lots of times we were done with the rest of cleanup and ready for pie and Rita would still be picking…..smiling, chatting with her heavy German accent… just oozed from Rita as she completed the most dreaded job of the day!  You know….we don’t have to do great things to serve……it’s what’s in our hearts…..Rita’s heart reflected God’s love as she worked on the carcass….she knew the rest of us hated that job, dreaded it, so she lovingly took the job from us….Rita knows what Thanksgiving is all about……Father help us see that there are so, so many ways to serve You, to show You how grateful we are for all you do for us.  Father thank you for Your greatest gift….Your SON… who took our sin from us.  Fill us with love and gratitude.  To You be all glory, praise and honor!  A quote from Roy Lessen, “It is not how busy you can be for the Lord that makes a difference, but what the Lord does through your obedience to Him that really matters.”  Father, help us to listen and obey.


Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.  Colossians 2:7.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.  Psalm 118:1.  Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift (s)!  2 Corinthians 9:15.  May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.  2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.

Praying your Thanksgivings are blessed with His best. Love and peace to each of you.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!


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