Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Acts of kindness waiting for us to deliver...

Good Morning Friends!!!   The dreaded grass fire season hit with a vengeance last week in Lula!  Started on Thursday with a big one, then Friday they got paged about 3:30 another one raging and the wind was so bad.   I had been home a while, had my chores done, was in my jamies and in the middle of trying a new recipe when Kim called.  He wanted me to go to Tupelo and get food for all the firemen….it had been a tough afternoon and going into the night….Well, normally I would have jumped at the chance to help them, but like I said…it was Friday night, I was in my jamies, and in the middle of a new recipe, so my reaction to him was less than it should have been….I reluctantly  said ok, hung up the phone and called in the order.  I made myself presentable and headed to Tupelo….my night vision is terrible so had to go pretty slow…good thing I encountered 3 horses and their riders right along the highway, crazy people!  When I got to Tupelo they were just finishing my big order, they helped me carry it to the car and I headed out to find the fire sight.  Kim had given me good instructions and told me to not get into the heavy smoke.  When I arrived on scene…wow what a sight, trucks and lights flashing for as far as I could see….and it was smoky (I wondered how they could stand it).  I was a little nervous, parking and getting out, but as soon as I did several firemen came to help me.  Oh my gosh!  They were so grateful!!!  They thanked me over and over and gave me big hugs and they were so happy!  Here they were, risking their lives, grueling labor and late after a day at their jobs….happy, smiling, hugging, and so very appreciative of me.  Wow….As I got back into the car to go home, I was so thankful they couldn’t read my minds…I was so ashamed of myself….how could I have ever been so selfish…I continued my drive asking our Father to forgive me….Look what I would have missed out on if I hadn’t had the chance to do that!  Father, help us to see the acts of kindness waiting for us to deliver, forgive us when we are selfish with our time because we miss out on the blessings You have for us.  Help us to remember it is so good to give….to give YOU GLORY with our actions.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.  1 John 3:18.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people….Galatians 6:10.  Be kind and compassionate to one another.  Ephesians 4:32.  As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Colossians 3:12.  In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.  Matthew 7:12.

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