Monday, February 29, 2016

The flames of life's temptations

Good Morning Friends!  Must remain in HIM, Monday!!!  Kim had really been wanting to burn one of our pastures, but had to wait until weather conditions were just right, most importantly the wind.  Gosh we have had so much wind lately and it is just too risky to start fires if it’s windy.  Looked like maybe Friday evening would be good….he called the firemen to get some to come and help him and then waited….finally about 5:30 he had enough men committed to come help and the wind was calm, humidity good, so he made the big decision to light it up!  A little after 6, Kathyrn and the kids came over….Cooper is all about the firemen stuff you know, so he was all suited up in his wildland gear and Katy too in brother’s hand-me-down fire suit.  Cooper couldn’t contain himself….”Nana we have to go up to the cabin and see the fire, Nana please, please…..”  Mom and I both tried to convince him that he could see better if we stayed at the house, but he wasn’t having it at all!!!  “We Have TO GO!”  We walked outside and showed him where they had started to burn, that just made him want to go more!  So, we loaded into the van and headed up the hill.  We went as far as we thought was safe and we wouldn’t get stuck, then headed up the hill on foot towards the cabin.  When we got there small fires were burning all around the cabin; they were out making a fire line.  Cooper was thrilled….fire!  In a few minutes the guys all showed up and were ready to head out again; Papa was on the 4-wheeler and invited Cooper to go with him, oh yea, Cooper was gone in a flash, of course poor Katy was crying, “I want to go….”  Papa promised he would be back for her, so Kathyrn and I settled in on fire watch at the cabin….the flames were getting bigger and Kathyrn and I were getting cold and really wanted to go to the house, but Katy would have no part of that….pretty soon she was crying and I convinced her to come to the house and have a “Nana bath” and cheese pizza.  So off we went, gosh it was so dark by then we had a time getting to the car and the fires were really popping up all over the pasture.  Kathyrn and I talked about the fact that it is really so pretty to watch it burn, the colors in the flames so brilliant, we drove past some that were so big, gosh they were amazingly beautiful.  From the house the pasture seemed to be dancing with flames, it was truly a magnificent site….beautiful yet at the same time so dangerous.  The next morning the first thing Kim and I did was drive the whole hill checking for hot spots.  Wow, the whole hill was black…Kim was pleased because he had gotten a good burn.  I was in awe with all the black….the beautiful flames from last night had turned the pasture black……black and bleak….As we drove slowly through the pasture, I couldn’t help but think of the black like the black of our sin…..the flames of life’s temptations….the flames so very beautiful in fact caused the black….so very beautiful, but so very dangerous.  Oh Father, how often the things of this world that seem to be harmless, actually tempt me away from you…..away from the life you want me live….greed for things that we think we must have, but only led us to more greed and selfishness….Father, temptations are all around us…appearing harmless and attractive….Father give us strength to resist temptations that will led us away from you….we need your help to shine for you.
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.  1 Corinthians. 10:13.  Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.  Matthew 26:41.  Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.  And lead us not into temptation.  Luke 11:4.
Love you all!

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