Monday, February 22, 2016

Always looking out for us

Good Morning Friends!  Mighty awesome is our God, Monday!!  This morning, I needed to get some fire department paperwork to Chad, our FEMA director (he takes care of certain aspects of business for volunteer fire departments), so that he could take it to County Commissioners meeting for us.  He works right down the road from me, so it would be great if I could just stop by there on my way to my office, but he is hardly ever there yet when I go by.  Oh, he is also a resident of Lula and we take the same route to work every day, but again, I rarely ever see him on my way in.  Anyway, I figured I would call him and have him call me as soon as he got to the office and then run down there real quick…..I was happily tootling down 1600 right on time, jabbering to Kathyrn when guess what I saw!!  Yep!  There, right before my eyes was Chad, pulling up to a stop sign, preparing to turn onto 1600….woo hoo, maybe he will be there at the same time as me today!  I waved as I drove by him and then called him.  After the usual good mornings, I asked him if he was going straight to the office, to which he replied, “uh, well….I might stop somewhere.”  In other words, he was planning to stop for breakfast….I told him I had some paperwork for him to approve for the meeting….after just a short pause he said, “where are you now?”  I told him “Owl Creek….should I pull over and we can do it now?”  “Yea, I will be right there,” was his cheery reply.  Wow, I was so excited, this was the perfect solution to the top of my ‘things to do TODAY list!’  I drove a little farther until I found a safe place for both of us to pull over and watched for him to pull behind me.  Wasn’t but a few seconds and I spotted him in my rear-view mirror!  I gathered up my paper work and headed to his truck, he greeted me with a big smile as he took my paper work, and added “you look nice today” which always brightens my day!  He said he would call if he needed anything else and we both went on to work!   As I pulled out I thought….what a stroke of luck for me today!  BAM!!!!  Hit me full on….that was no luck….that was one of those, how blessed I am to be HIS child….the recipient of HIS “special little miracles”  when we least expect them, but really need them!  That’s our Father for you….always looking out for us, brightening our days, warming our nights….filling our lives with love……we just need to vigilant so we don’t miss one….And remember the next time you think you were lucky….be still and thank our Heavenly Father for the blessing of HIS special little miracles!  Father we are so blessed, forgive us when we are too busy, frantic or worried to see YOU in everything!  Bless my friends with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that yearn for YOU!
Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.  Psalm 111:2.  The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying:  “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”  Jeremiah 31:3.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.  Psalm 118:1.  Give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds.  Psalm 107-21. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24.
Love you all!

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