Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

Good Morning Friends!  Mighty awesome is our God, Monday!!!!  In all the years that I have been Sunday School Superintendent, I have never had a Sunday quite like yesterday.   Sunday a week ago, I found out that not only would all of my teachers be absent yesterday, but my faithful sub as well….. Oh my, that meant one thing….I was going to have to be teacher too!  As the morning went on, I discovered that most of the kids would be gone too….all of them except Emma and Ellie…..sisters…4 and almost 3….plus I would have Katy with me….Now, don’t get me wrong….I love the kids…..all of them, but like I said….it had been a long time since I had actually taught…..the thought of it…me and 3 wee ones….alone for an hour….yikes.  Silly, but I have to admit I was really concerned….actually kind of dreading the thought…. as hard as I tried, I could not find anyone that could sub….a while later, sitting in church, the light went on…..DUH…I told myself…God is calling you to teach HIS wee ones….that was all I needed….I would answer HIS call and make sure to take HIM with me!  All week, I made my plans….finally the time had come.  With a prayer in my heart, bubbles and snacks packed, Katy and I headed for Sunday School!  Emma and Ellie were already there and greeted Katy with enthusiasm fit for a princess!  The next hour was precious…..the girls were so good and so excited to be at Sunday school!  We drug out all of our instruments playing and singing joyful praises to our Heavenly Father, then headed outside to blow “Jesus loves me” bubbles….laughing and running, catching bubbles and shouting Jesus loves me….my heart was both joyful and sad at the same time…..look what I would have missed if our Heavenly Father had not nudged me do something I didn’t want to do…..Oh I wonder what other wonderful experiences I have missed because I wasn’t listening….or pretended not to hear…… worst of all, simply ignored….Father, thank you for knowing just what You need me to do and nudging me along….Forgive me when I am stubborn and ignore You.  Father, thank you so much for the blessing of small children that love you with every ounce of their being and fill our hearts with joy.
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever welcome a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”  Matthew 18:3-5.   Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14.  From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…Psalm 8:2.  We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.  Hebrews2 :1.  Jesus said, Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me.”  John 6:45.  Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10.

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