Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013

Good Morning Friends!  Forever His, Friday!  Yesterday I asked my sweet young co-worker to come cover phones so I could get a cup of coffee.  I opened  a drawer to get out a sweetener and there was a crumpled up Kleenex….”Oh my gosh, I wondered what had happened to this, for heaven’s sake!” As I closed the drawer my sweet, young friend said, sternly, “Slow down, Kathie, you need to slow down.”  I had to agree with her…no getting around it….I need to slow down, inside and out.  For the rest of the day I worked hard on my “slow down” skills.  This morning as I sat in my chair for my morning time with our Heavenly Father, my mind was filled with Des’ words, “slow down.”  Father I said, slow me down as I read Your word this morning….help me get it.  My time in God’s word led me to Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”  The verse was underlined, so I know I had read it before, but something about the words hit me…..I read it again….slower…..”The Lord your God is with you”…..with me….little old, crazy me….”He is mighty to save….”  Oh my, do I ever need saving!  And how in the world could He ever want to “delight in me.”  The mere thought made me smile….Aha!  Key word….”quiet”  He will quiet me…..kind of like….slow me down…….gosh, what a magnificent, comforting verse…But it was the last line that really hit me as I read it, slowly, again and yet again…..”He (now we are referring to our Heavenly Father here),  “He will rejoice over you with singing.”  Had to chuckle to myself as I tried to imagine Him….in all of His Holy Magnificence….singing over me!!!!!  For just one minute I had to wonder where Zephaniah was coming from…..But just for a minute…because suddenly my mind was filled with song….Cooper belting out “Jesus Loves Me” with a smile so big, had to be our Heavenly Father singing through Him…..the sun just beginning to peek through the clouds has the birds singing in perfect harmony…..last night, as soon as Kim got in, I stopped all chores and went in and sat down with him….sat still for a long time as we chatted non-stop about our days, the kids, grandkids….didn’t even have the TV on.  Before I knew it, it was 7:30 and I hadn’t started dinner….what the heck…threw in a frozen pizza, dined in our recliners and didn’t even use a plate. He will quiet” me….Do I hear singing?....a friend brings me veggies from her garden….fresh coffee delivered to my desk by another friend…..Hmmm….The sounds of music?  Sighing, my thoughts turn to yet another friend and the situation she told me about yesterday.  She has been really stressed, worried about her dad and test results.  She and her sister had gone to a nearby town to buy groceries, both of them consumed with thoughts of their dad; as they were loading their cars an older gentleman that worked at the store approached her.  He apologized for not being there to help them and then asked if she was Christian to which she replied yes!  He then said, “I have a treat for you!’  Immediately he broke into song, strong and clear he sang an old hymn, every word loud and clear…..I had goose bumps as I listened to that moment she knew….the Lord was with her…..delighting in her as His child, quieting her with His love….singing to her.  Father slow us down so that we never ever miss hearing….feeling You singing for us through each and every blessing that comes our way….Help us to see the blessing even in the things we do not understand.
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!  Psalm 32:11.  Le all who take refuge in You be glad; Let them ever sing for joy.  Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.  Psalm 5:11.  The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him and I am helped.  My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in Song.  Psalm 28:7.
God Bless America, our troops past, present, and future.
Love you all!

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