Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013

Good Morning Friends!  Forever His, Friday!  Windy, when we get up!  Windy when we go to bed!  Windy all day long….hairs a mess, got to be careful what skirt you wear, my poor little car tossed to and fro, dirt in your eyes….wind!  Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind some wind….I love a gentle breeze on a warm day, but really come on… got to agree with me that the wind has been a bit much lately….kind of wearing me out at times…I was sitting in my chair this morning, getting ready to spend some time with our Heavenly Father and the darn wind distracted me….blowing like a big dog….howling through the trees, rattling the windows….Darn Father, I thought….I know I am supposed to be thankful in everything…I know that everything You created is good….but gee whiz…..I sat there in the dark, desperately trying to come up with something positive about this wind….admittedly I was drawing a blank….and then…..I heard the familiar, pleasant clinking tune of my favorite wind chime……The tone soothing and reassuring…..Oh yes, Father…..I hear you in the tinkling of the sturdy chimes…..I hear You in the wind….I have always loved wind chimes and had quite a large collection of them when we moved here from California.  I had a big front porch there and collected chimes to go from one end to the other.  The wind there was nothing like our wind, but the breezes would turn my chimes into a melodic symphony…..a true delight to me.  I brought all my chimes, but the winds here have destroyed most all of them…..except the one that drew me from cranky distraction to hearing God through the pleasant clinking of the sturdy chimes….This wind chime is very special to me…. a gift from my father-in-law, long since gone to heaven……a man very special to me….the gift was well thought out and given in unselfish love…many years ago…’s made of strong tubes of medal, connected with chain and hangs prominently on a strong hook…time and weather has caused rusting, but that does not hinder it’s message….in the wind……I hear our Heavenly Father singing over me….blowing His unselfish love into my heart…filling my days, nights, hours, minutes with blessings beyond my human conception….Our Father’s love is well thought out….given freely, abundantly even in the wind!  Father, thank you for allowing us to hear You, feel You, know You through all of Your creation.  All honor, glory and praise to YOU!
Praise the Lord, O my soul.  O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty.  He wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of His upper chambers on their waters.  He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.  He makes winds His messengers, flames of fire His servants….I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.  May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the Lord.  But may sinners vanish from the earth and the wicked be no more.  Praise the Lord, O my soul.  Praise the Lord!!!  Psalm 104:1-4 and 33-35.  Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.  Today, if you hear His voice, (in the wind, or calm) do not harden your hearts…..Psalm 95:7-8a. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  Isaiah 55:12.
Love you all!  Prayers please for God’s blessings on our Relay for Life event tonight.  Thank you.

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