Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

Good Morning Friends!  Wonderfully blessed by Him, Wednesday!  Yesterday Kim and I had to make some changes on our cell account and they needed him….couldn’t do it myself (let me tell you taking Kim to the cell store is more of an adventure than needed sometimes), so Kim met me in town a little after 5.  Even though he had worked cows all day and was totally pooped, he was in tip top…let’s have fun at the cell phone store mode!  After an hour and a half we were finally out the door.  To sweeten our time at the cell store we decided to go to Polo’s and have dinner!  We got right in, service was good, food oh so yummy…..while we were there Cooper and Katy’s mommy called…they were at our house…..oops (you know Nana and Papa are supposed to always be home).  Mommy had gotten a facial with all new make-up and wanted us to see.  We were both disappointed, so Papa said call her and tell her to not wash her face and we will come over when we get home.  We finished dinner and headed home….me in my car and Papa in his truck; I always hate it when we have two cars in town.  Well, I got home before him and never even saw him behind me….I unloaded the car and was changing clothes when he finally got home…..Aww….he proudly held two bags of M&M’s…One for Cooper and one for Katy.  What a sweet Papa!  I smiled, shook my head and said, “Oh Katy loves M&M’s!”  It was so nice out we decided to take the four wheeler…..upon arrival we found them in the bathtub having a splashing good time!  Papa couldn’t wait to show off the M&M’s so the bath ended rather quickly.  Cooper grabbed his, said thank you and headed down the hall.  Katy, oh my, that sweet, innocent faced, 2 year old dripping wet….Papa handed her them to her; her eyes lit up like 4th of July fireworks.  She thanked Papa immediately and then looked at me and full of joy said, “bring M&M’s for me… eat?!”  She could hardly contain herself as she waited for me to say, “yes honey, for you to eat (if mommy says of course)”   Love just oozed from her….totally, completely grateful for a little bag of M&M’s…..As we rode home, I got to thinking… we go with that “childlike” faith again……thrilled, thankful, grateful for such a little thing……How often in our rush for the biggest and the best and in the midst of our whining, do we miss God’s “little” things…..hummingbirds feeding, birds singing, wildflowers blooming, someone to talk to in the cell store, a friend to share a ride with, an unexpected bag of M&M’s….Maybe we should reach into ourselves….go back…..find that childlike joy……And remember…..when we do, He loves to hear from us…..He doesn’t want us to hold back our praise just for the big stuff….Nope!  Our Heavenly Father wants to know about every “little” thing that brings us joy…..And oh my goodness….there are oh so many!  Thank  you Father for all the little things you send our way to bring us joy….open our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to see and experience them….to Thank You, to Share, to give You Glory!  Thank you Father, for bubble baths, M&M’s and innocent grandchildren! 

THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE; LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!  PSALM 118:24. O Lord, how manifold are thy works!  In wisdom hast though made them all:  the earth is full of thy riches.  Psalm 104:24.  Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.  Psalm 34:8.  A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news give health to the bones.  Proverbs 15:30.  Light is sweet, and it please the eyes to see the sun.  Ecclesiastes 11:7.  That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil-this is the gift of God.  Ecclesiastes 3:13.  Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp.  Psalm 147:7.  Give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds.  Psalm 107:21. Amen!  Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!  Revelation 7;12.
Love you all!

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