Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Good Morning Friends!  Marveling in His mighty love, Monday!   I usually buy groceries on payday Friday, but last Friday things came up and I just couldn’t get to it; so Kim and I decided to come into town late Saturday afternoon, get groceries, and then go out to dinner!  It was really cold, so I dressed appropriately…or so I thought.  Warm coat, gloves, stocking hat and my warm, all- weather, Ugg type boots.  About half way through our list it sounded like jet airplanes were right on top of us….was actually a torrential downpour!  By the time we finished shopping and headed to the car it was barely sprinkling, but of my gosh!  The parking lot was flooded….and it was cold!  I was so glad that I was dressed for the occasion (or so I thought)  feeling so smug in all my outer wear I drudged right into the flooded parking lot…..OH NO!  THERE’S NO WAY!!!  THESE BOOTS ARE WATER PROOF!!!!......or so I thought.  Within a matter of seconds, my feet were soaked… boots leaked….my boots that I was so sure were all weather…..leaked…..I thought I was ready for anything and my boots leaked….within seconds!  Later that evening after we got back home and I was removing my wet socks and trying to warm my feet I couldn’t help but think that the smug feelings I had about my “all weather” boots carries into my life.  How often do we carry on like we are untouchable….that will never happen to me….we go about our daily lives with little contact with our Heavenly Father, smugly thinking we are prepared for things on our own and then….BAM!!!!  In a matter of seconds our life feels like it is flooded with worry… minute we are smug and confident and the next minute “our feet are wet” with stress and worry……alone in the blowing wind and rain…..drowning… just a matter of seconds!  Good news!  Doesn’t have to be this way, nope!  We just need to stay dressed in God’s word, praying and talking to HIM daily….heck hourly…….That’s where we get our strength, our protection from the “bad weather” this world can dump on us……Spending time, regular time with our Heavenly Father we are prepared for the storms……Father, we know that life will always have its storms, but we are so thankful that You are there with us when we call on You!  Help us to stay “dressed” in You every day in every way.

For nothing is impossible with God.  Luke 1:37.  For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Philippians 4:13.  The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him  Daniel 9:9.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9.  The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.  Psalm 29:11.

Love you all!

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